Victoria Land and the Dry Valleys
Much of our early work on the uplift and formation of the Transantarctic Mountains was undertaken in southern Victoria Land and also northern Victoria Land.
Gleadow, A.J.W. and P.G. Fitzgerald, 1987. Tectonic history and structure of the Transantarctic Mountains: New evidence from fission track dating in the Dry Valleys area of southern Victoria Land, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 82, 1-14. [PDF]
Fitzgerald, P.G., M. Sandiford, P.J. Barrett and A.J.W. Gleadow, 1986. Asymmetric extension in the Transantarctic Mountains and Ross Embayment, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 81, 67-78. [PDF]
Fitzgerald, P.G. and A.J.W. Gleadow, 1988. Fission track geochronology, tectonics and structure of the Transantarctic Mountains in Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica, Isotope Geoscience, 73, 169-198. [PDF]

Shackleton Glacier
Miller, Fitzgerald and Baldwin (2010) Cenozoic range-front faulting and development of the Transantarctic Mountains near Cape Surprise, Antarctica: Thermochronologic and geomorphologic constraints, Tectonics, 29, TC1003, doi:10.1029/2009TC00245 [PDF]

Ellsworth Mountains
The Ellsworth Mountains, comprising the Sentinel and Hertiage Ranges, lie within the Ellsworth-Whitmore Mountains crustal block, which is one of the West Antarctica microplates. The Vinson Massif, at greater than 16,000 feet, is the highest mountain in Antarctica, forming part of the spine of the Sentinel Range. Research in the region includes trips to the Sentinel and Heritage Ranges.
Fitzgerald, P.G., and E. Stump, 1991. Early Cretaceous uplift in the Ellsworth Mountains of West Antarctica. Science 254, 92-94. [PDF]
Fitzgerald, P.G., and E. Stump, 1992. Early Cretaceous uplift in the southern Sentinel Range, Ellsworth Mountains, West Antarctica. in Recent Progress in Antarctic Earth Science, Y. Yoshida, K. Kaminuma and K. Shiraishi (Editors), pp. 331-340, TERRAPUB, Tokyo. [PDF]